Eric Garcia Artist Talk

Eric Garcia Talk   

In Eric Garcia's presentation what really stuck out to me was Aim High, his other work was really cool too but this is what stuck out to me. Garcia told us that this specific piece is a multi-media exhibition consisting of an interactive video game, various ink and illustrations. It works on exploring the concept of  sci-fi of space or alien invasions. I think it is interesting that he used a sci-fi concept, and he connected it to historical themes. To me connecting sci-fi to the concepts of historical themes is challenging, but he made something that can connect to both while also being interactive and engaging to people. This is an interesting thing because the people who are being encouraged to make decisions and explore outcomes in the game. This engagement can lead to possibly having a deeper understanding of these historical themes that Garcia encourages us to see, and their relevance to modern issues.

    When Eric Garcia was presenting I could see that in some of his work he uses humor to critique social and political issues. This approach can make heavy or complex subjects more accessible or lighter. Sometimes learning about heavy or complex subjects invites viewers to engage with the underlying messages. The use of humor also allows Garcia to challenge conventional narratives and encourage critical thinking about historical events and contemporary issues. By Eric Garcia he is definitely lowering the barrier , making people who look at his work or engage in his work more open to learning about the history he is trying to portray. Another thing that using humor for heavy or complex subjects is that if you use humor the people viewing his work are probably more likely to remember the information that he is presenting. Overall, I think that Garcia's art can be seen as a powerful and inspiring thing. The more people that view his work I think the history he is trying to portrait will be more known and try to be solved


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