Project Update Two

 Project Update Two

(pictures on the slideshow attached)

Project Two Update

    I haven't been keeping up with my timeline as much as I would like. Life has been a little hectic, with other work from school, and other personal things going on in my life right now. Leaving me very little time that I want to be spending on my project and very little time to catch up on the personal timeline I made at the beginning of the term. The days seem to go by so quickly and before I know it the weeks have passed by without any significant progress in my project for the class. I want to change up my timeline so I may have a clearer sense of the time I have left and how much progression I have to make by the end of the term. I'm hoping that during 6th week and during reading period I will get more photos done so I can be closer to ordering the books. Here are some of the photos that I have taken so far, some of the photos are old because nostalgic feelings can come from older photos, and I also have newer photos as well to show or portrait the same feeling. 
    I do believe in the "resurrection of difference". I notice how much we get influenced by technology and media. Some evidence to why I believe, and think that "resurrection of difference" is actual thing. Things like social media, virtual reality headsets are a big piece of evidence, and movies. In social media we look for people who have the same beliefs, similar interests, or people from the same background. This makes it easier for people to get caught into only talking to people who are the same, basically filtering and limiting people's interactions with diversity. It leads to people going back to the per- existing beliefs, or if they already have that belief they don't change their opinion. Same as social media virtual reality headsets puts people in digital places that can be to their own preference. This can lead to potentially limiting people to different cultures, or viewpoints. Now Movies, TV shows, they can often teach kids or adults cultural stereotypes which is never a good thing to be influenced by.
    I think my project really impacts to the concept of difference because in my work I am trying to evoke the feeling and capture moments of reminiscent and memories from the past. This impacts it significantly because By capturing moments of reminiscence and memories, I am trying to capture experiences or feelings that stand out from ordinary ones. Stating that i'm also trying to capture what makes one moment different from one another, or personal experience from another.


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