
Final Project Statement

Final Project Statement Final project Presentation     My project was trying to emulate the comfort that I feel from nature, aiming to capture moments of reminiscent and memories from the past. I was planning to capture the authenticity, because I have a deep connection to nature and I wanted to give people the opportunity to understand where my statement "to emulate the comfort that I feel from nature, aiming to capture moments of reminiscent and memories from the past." My anticipated outcome was that I was able to evoke the feeling and was able to capture what my proposal was. With this project I thought the best route to go down was to do photography I believe that  Photography serves as an ideal thing for this attempted project. The reason I say this is because a photo is able to freeze moments in time, allowing people to pause and reflect on it. The only problem with a photo is that like I said before is  " Contemplating the contrast between the experiences of natu

Eric Garcia Artist Talk

Eric Garcia Talk    In Eric Garcia's presentation what really stuck out to me was Aim High, his other work was really cool too but this is what stuck out to me. Garcia told us that this specific piece is a multi-media exhibition consisting of an interactive video game, various ink and illustrations. It works on exploring the concept of  sci-fi of space or alien invasions. I think it is interesting that he used a sci-fi concept, and he connected it to historical themes. To me connecting sci-fi to the concepts of historical themes is challenging, but he made something that can connect to both while also being interactive and engaging to people. This is an interesting thing because the people who are being encouraged to make decisions and explore outcomes in the game. This engagement can lead to possibly having a deeper understanding of these historical themes that Garcia encourages us to see, and their relevance to modern issues.     When Eric Garcia was presenting I could see that

Project Update Two

    Project Update Two (pictures on the slideshow attached) Project Two Update      I haven't been keeping up with my timeline as much as I would like. Life has been a little hectic, with other work from school, and other personal things going on in my life right now. Leaving me very little time that I want to be spending on my project and very little time to catch up on the personal timeline I made at the beginning of the term. The days seem to go by so quickly and before I know it the weeks have passed by without any significant progress in my project for the class. I want to change up my timeline so I may have a clearer sense of the time I have left and how much progression I have to make by the end of the term. I'm hoping that during 6th week and during reading period I will get more photos done so I can be closer to ordering the books. Here are some of the photos that I have taken so far, some of the photos are old because nostalgic feelings can come from older photos, and

Project Update One

    My project emulates the comfort that I feel from nature, aiming to capture moments of reminiscent and memories from the past. This project was inspired from a book discussing simulations. My interpretation for the goal of the book is exploring the authenticity of our experiences in a very simulated world. I believe the author is questioning the notion of whether we can truly discern what is real when there is a very discernible fact that simulations is almost running our lives.     When we surround ourselves in nature, away from screens and digital interfaces, we often experience deeper connections with reality. This is the authenticity that I am planning to capture because I have a deep connection to nature and being able to give people the opportunity to understand where my statement is coming from. Unlike altering photographs digitally from photoshop. My approach is to capture the authenticity of the moment, what the moment feels like to me, what I can see, touch, and smell.

Final Project Series Of Books

       As an artist/photographer I have come to realize I have a deep appreciation and liking for nature photography,and my idea for this project this term is to channel that deep appreciation of nature photography into a series of books (5 to 6 depending on the time that I have), that will portray the wonders I see in nature. All together, the books will create a series that showcases the beauty of nature through my photography. These books won't just feature landscapes, they will also aim to portray my deep connection to nature.      For the series of books, I am planning on creating the books each centered around a distinct theme. So for example one book would be the theme of animals, second book would be on flowers, third book would be on trees, and so on.      A contemporary artist that relates to my work is Keith Dotson. When l Looked at his photos they are simple, but they could have a deeper meaning. The simplicity of his work is appealing to me because when I look back at

Final project Installation

 I ended up doing my project on the concept of , playing with black and white, and color photos. When creating this concept of creepy or uneasy photos I was really thinking about what I should take a photo of to give off that concept or feeling. I decided that I was going to go around campus at night and take photos when no one is around to make the campus and also the park seem like a deserted area. I think in most of the photos it gave off that creepy or uneasy photo feeling. It was not an easy task to do because one of the major problems I ran into was how the lighting was going to play a big role. Some of the photos I took turned out way to dark, and some of the photos turned out way too light. I also had some issues with my film camera, so I had. to do all of my photos on my phone so that made it difficult to tell how much lighting there needed to be and how much darkness there needed to be in the photo. Some of the photos thought turned out exactly how I wanted them to turn out.